Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath

You’re the Stranger, a mysterious bounty hunter on a mission to bag the ultimate prize. And you need that money like no one else because there is something very wrong with your health and the only way to fix it is a very costly operation. However the nature of your illness remains a secret and as you find out during the game, for a good reason.

In the dusty, undeveloped wastelands of Western Mudos, cantankerous townsfolk find their settlements besieged by belligerent outlaws. Along comes Stranger, a tall, dark and enigmatic bounty hunter with a mission to capture troublemakers and scoundrels and return them to civilized townships for incarceration.
But Stranger is keeping a secret and needs expensive surgery to survive. In his quest to earn enough Moolah, Stranger reluctantly accepts the ultimate bounty from the owner of the Mongo River and suddenly his adventure takes a very different turn.


Release Date: 1/23/2020
Publisher: Oddworld Inhabitants
System: Switch
Genre: First-person / third-person shooter, action-adventure

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