Final Fantasy VII Remake

After an excruciatingly long wait, the Final Fantasy VII Remake is finally back in the gaming scene with its new Official State Of Play Trailer. This new trailer gives us a first look at the revamped versions of some of our favorite characters as well as footage of gameplay and cinematics. You can watch the teaser trailer here:

So far, this game looks absolutely AMAZING. The modernized versions of Cloud, Aerith, and Barrett are spot-on and fit their characters to a tee. Not only that, the graphics are simply gorgeous not just for cinematics, but also gameplay. Speaking of gameplay, the trailer shows off a new, action-packed combat system that’ll be drastically different from the traditional turn-based combat system from the original FFVII.

We still don’t have any expected release dates yet but it’s good to know that progress towards launch is being made. But the video ends with “More to come in June” so at least we’ll have something to look forward to then!
