Jet Force Gemini – A jump to the Past

Jet Force Gemini is one of my favorite Nintendo 64 games and one of my favorite games from all the time.

I have a very special story with this game since it came to me by destiny; I still remember those times when the only time that I got money to buy video games was on my birthday or Christmas,

On my birthday in 1999, I went with my Father to the local market to get a new game. I still remember that I was frustrated cause I was searching for Resident Evil 2, but that game was about to be released after two weeks. I was already hungry to get a game, I walk around for a couple of hours checking all the available games, but nothing was attractive.

It passes too much time, so My father gave me 15min more to decide, so I asked for a couple of the shelf games to see the box, and that was when I hold the game for the first time.

When I saw the graphics on the box and read the story, it reminds me of Starship Troopers and StarCraft but in a cute version.

I decided to buy it with the risk of being a bad game; regardless, this is a game made by RARE, which elevated my expectations and gave me hope for the game.

I back home, open the game, and I don’t know you guys, but I’m one of those guys who, after opening a game like watch the instructions and smell them, hahaha.

I take the cartouche and watch the opening story, which got me very excited, the controllers weren’t the best, and it was kind of hard to aim the enemies, but after a couple of minutes, I was ready to have a lot of fun blowing up ant’s and the little Koalas (Jocking XD I’ll never kill those cute Koalas)

If there is something that I love from this game is the music, and this is one of the little video game titles; I can say I like all the game’s songs, from the Tittle to the bosses and the ending.

With the release of Rare Replay on the Xbox One, earn coming to can watch the making of videos and listen to the story of how Robin Beanland work hard to compose the game music, it was the perfect excuse to get back into the game, and after listening to the game songs and I couldn’t be more inspired to do my version of one of my favorite titles SS Anubis.

SS Anubis

If there is something that I love from this game is the music, and this is one of the little video game titles; I can say I like all the game’s songs, from the Tittle to the bosses and the ending.

With the release of Rare Replay on the Xbox One, earn coming to can watch the making of videos and listen to the story of how Robin Beanland work hard to compose the game music, it was the perfect excuse to get back into the game, and after listening to the game songs and I couldn’t be more inspired to do my version of one of my favorite titles SS Anubis.

You can stream SS Anubis on Spotify, Apple Music, or Amazon.

The Art of SS Anubis

After producing the song of SS Anubis it was time to create a bad-ass Artwork for the song, I di don’t know anyone better for the job than one of my best friends Valp.

Valp is a very recognized Digital Artist base in Poland and he specializes in Digital Painting, Photo Manipulation.

He made many album covers for music bands like Vigilis, Zero Theorem, Socionic, and Pendulum, to mention just a few.

he’s also been featured on books like Design Elements, Crossover Design, an ADOBE Master Class, and all without mention magazines, photoshop tutor, YES you got it ValpNow is a Big Deal.

So as you know, no too long time, I reviewed the TourBox Neo, I had the great idea to make this project multipurpose by sending one sample of the TourBox Neo to Valp so that he can first test it while making the SS Anubis Artwork

so that later he can share a bit of his design process, technics, and experience using the TourBox Neo.


Overall I’m very satisfied with the final result of this project, I learned a lot while producing the song of SS Anubis without mention the excitement I feel for recreating one of my favorite songs of the game.

Be able to collaborate with one of my Designer Heroes of all the time (Valp) its been a great and honorific experience, I highly recommend you to take a look at Vap’s work on his site he has a lot of interesting stuff in there.

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