When it comes to grabbing yourself a great memory RAM for your PC build, not only is it important to go for quality performance and durability, you also want something that takes your rig to another level aesthetically. That’s exactly what the SPECTRIX D60 DDR4 RGB Memory delivers with its flamboyant yet premium-looking RGB lighting.

Now, you may have noticed that this the the RAM that was used for our $2000 Ultimate PC Gaming and Live Stream PC build. If you haven’t watched the video yet, you can find it here.

The King of the RGB RAM

The Spectrix D60G stands out in a few departments – design, durability, and performance. Starting off with the design, this RAM features a diamond-cut design with RGB lighting that gives it a really futuristic feel to it.

The thing that impressed me the most about this design is how they were somehow able to achieve something similar to a 3D crystalline look. At the very center of the module is a diamond-shaped strip of aluminum with the XPG logo in the middle that gives off an armor-like vibe.

It all just comes together really well in presenting such an excess amount of RGB. Honestly, that’s what it is, but they do it in a way that actually looks classy rather than a lot of other RGB products that just end up looking really gaudy.

Along with dual RGB LED strips and a design that places heavy emphasis to say the least on RGB lighting, we end up with a RAM that has 60% of the entire module’s surface area covered in RGB. So, this is pretty much the RGB RAM of RGB RAMs.

High-Quality Build for Long-Lasting Durability

Now, let’s take a second to look over this RAM’s internal hardware. One of the main features of the D60G is that it’s designed to be durable, reliable, and stable. And the way that XPG went about accomplishing this is by utilizing high-quality chips and metal heatsink to deliver long-lasting durability and an extended lifespan. That’s great because that helps you get the most possible mileage out of this RAM.

High Clock Speeds and Great Performance

As for this RAM’s primary specifications, the D60G is rated for DDR4 3000MHz – 4133MHz and comes in sizes of 8GB up to 16GB x 2 so essentially 32GB. So as you can see, this RAM isn’t just flash and nothing else, it actually delivers high clock speeds and great performance. Now if you happen to be interested in overclocking, you are able to do so with Intel XMP 2.0 which is way easier than doing it manually since you can just do it straight through your operating system.

Programmable Lighting Effects

Lastly, we’re gonna talk about customizing your RGB lighting with programmable lighting effects. This is done using the XPG RGB Sync app which you can download and install directly from the XPG website. This software allows you to select from 12 preset lighting modes and you can even adjust the color and speed of each lighting mode for each specific RAM module. And most importantly, at least for me, it’s super convenient and easy to use.


Overall, the XPG Spectrix D60G RGB Memory RAM is really well designed with a nice balance of aesthetics, durability, and performance. The only thing that I personally would change about this RAM is the amount of RGB it has. But this is coming from someone who doesn’t really like to use a lot of RGB in the first place, so it really just comes down to a matter of preference. Regardless, this is an amazing RAM that looks and performs great so it definitely won’t disappoint.

For more information about the XPG Spectrix D60G DDR4 RGB Memory, check out the official product page.

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