Cyberpunk 2077

Good news, people: Cyberpunk 2077 finally has a release date! The release date has been confirmed for release on April 16, 2020. So yeah, we’ll still have to wait for a while but in the meantime, CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, has blessed us with a compelling cinematic trailer packed with futuristic ambience and cybernetic augmentations. You can watch the full trailer below, but make sure you watch till the end for a special surprise.

That’s right – Keanu Reeves is in the house! Coming straight off an impeccable performance in his latest John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum film, I don’t think anyone expected to see Keanu Reeves again so soon but I’m pretty sure no one’s complaining. Heck, he’s even still rocking the John Wick look! Aside from the metal arm and the rugged outlaw getup, that is. I’ve gotta say though, Keanu Reeves in Cyberpunk 2077 actually makes more sense than you might initially think, considering his roles in various sci-fi films like The Matrix Trilogy and Replicas.

Having been developed and published by CD Projekt RED, it’s no surprise that many eager fans more or less expected a sci-fi version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. In fact, this is a completely different game with a unique flavor and playstyle of its own.

Here’s a brief synopsis of the game, straight from the official site:

Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, action-adventure story set in Night City, a megalopolis obsessed with power, glamour and body modification. You play as V, a mercenary outlaw going after a one-of-a-kind implant that is the key to immortality. You can customize your character’s cyberware, skillset and playstyle, and explore a vast city where the choices you make shape the story and the world around you.

You can pre-order your copy of Cyberpunk 2077 here. Check out the unboxing videos below to get a closer look at what goodies come with the Official Game and the Official Collector’s Edition.

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